Do not GRIEF ME!
To ban or not to ban? Wizards and Legacy We all know Wizards is not interested in Legacy much. They do not make money on the format as a lot…
Your Source for Arizona Legacy MTG.
To ban or not to ban? Wizards and Legacy We all know Wizards is not interested in Legacy much. They do not make money on the format as a lot…
Another Broken Set? There have been several good cards making a splash in Legacy. Toucan for Breakfast? Nadu has really made a splash in modern. They have slotted this in…
Appearently Nothing wrong with this format. Announcement Date: June 24, 2024 No changes in all formats. The next banned and restricted announcement will be in August. View the list of…
Not the Stickers ! LEGACY AND VINTAGE All cards that bring a sticker or an Attraction into the game are banned. ________ Goblin has become a reasonable card to play…
Did Outlaws of Thunder Junction steal the show? I have seen several cards make an appearance but not really changing the format. Massacre with a body? I have seen this…