Great pick ups for The Brother's War.

The Brother’s War bring us a lot of sideboard hate reprint cards and cards that are good that have dropped in price. I will be listing the cards that are staples and some that are good for colorless in general. 

Thorn of Amethyst has been a good hate card against storm and other combo decks. 

This card has almost all but replaced Tormod’s Crypt in the sideboard slot due to its ability to be found by Urza’s Saga. It also has a second mode of drawing a card if needed. 

Colorless Post has not been as popular lately but these are great reprints and pick ups for any colorless deck.

Delver and 8 cast use this card all the time. The price drop on these reprints is a welcome. 

Hate getting your spells countered or don’t want something played on your turn? Well this reprint is a great deal at the time of writing this. 

By admin