Your Source for Arizona Legacy MTG.
Following here is a list of cards that are a great pick up at the moment for several decks in the legacy format.
Locally we have had a couple of Food Chain Goblins running around. if that sounds like your jam this would be a great time to pick this up. This card has not been printed since Marcadian Masques, and the judge promo. Most Food Chain decks will run the set of four.
Bitterblossom has seen some play in fair mid range decks that have black in them. Not very popular but has been seen in Deadguy Ale list. This is a one of in most decks that play it.
If you are looking to play elves you have just gotten a great reprint. Allosaurus Shepherd has only seen one other printing back in Jumpstart. Buy it while its low. This is a four of in every elves deck.
One of the best sideboard graveyard hate cards that is seen in alot of decks. Surgical extraction has had several reprints but this keeps it cheap pick a couple up. This will show up as a 1-2 of in the sideboard in alot of decks.
A great toolbox card has gotten another reprint. If your deck has green in it you are more than likely wanting to run two or more of this card. Green Sun’s Zenith is a staple and is run any where from 1-4 depending on deck.
There has been a recent showing of grixis here and there. This reprint of Kolaghan’s Command makes it cheap enough to buy a couple. Most decks run anywhere from 1-3.
Bug has shown up a couple of times. This is a staple catch all. Most deck will run 1-2.
This card has been printed a ton. With the price of this card so low it’s a great time to pick up a set. Most decks that run Urza’s Sagas will run 1-2 either in the sideboard or split 1-1 main deck / sideboard.
A staple card in tribal decks such as goblins, humans, and D&T. Aethervial and Cavern of souls are cards that are a four. Pick this up if you like any of the aforementioned decks.
A card that is sometimes played in Land decks and variants Crucible of worlds. Most decks will run 1.
These cards are seen as a 1-2 of in some Jeskai control decks. It’s a card that depending on the meta can be either one in the main and one in the board or just one in the main.
This card is usually only seen in sneak and show variants. Enchantress runs one sometimes as a mana dump. Normally you will only see anywhere between 1-3 copies in a deck.
Burn anyone? Three great reprint and super cheap to get you started. We got Lightning Bolt, Rift Bolt, and Monastery Swiftspear.