What we will see this weekend at The Olympus AZ Legacy City Champs

This weekend is the next City Champs at Olympus.   From the results of the previous events we can get a general idea of what we can expect. 

The most popular.

U/R Shells still seem to be popular. There is nothing wrong with taking the sure thing. This deck is just too good. Especially when there are not enough control and lands players. 

Will we see more?

We have not seen alot of combo decks be represented. Its kind of hard with so many blue decks running around. BUt there could be a good time for a reanimator deck to make a better showing. 

The constant.

Az players have seen the results of U/R shells and lands variants so You can always expect Delver to show up.  The new one is the rise of lands variants. 

For more information on the upcoming event visit the Calendar to see the details of the event. 

By admin